God’s Bandits

In keeping with their sacred mission to fulfil the kingdom of heaven on earth, it is self-evidently necessary for the leaders of Brasil’s evangelical churches to possess vast wealth. Sharp suits, gold, diamonds, yachts, jets, and mansions are the very least men of such profound faith deserve. Their moral leadership is not defined by their humility and charity, but by their utter dedication to accumulating riches. Natural allies of the far right, the evangelical churches are hysterically anti-communist, anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage which is why they are such close friends of demagogic politicians like Bolsonaro and Trump. They also expect the faithful to part with ten percent of their salary in accordance with biblical teachings. In ascending order, the top earners are R.R. Soares, leader of the International Church of the Grace of God, with a paltry 736 million. Next up, Edir Macedo, figurehead of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God with a cool 1.2 billion, and at the top of the league Valdemiro Santiago, high priest of the World Church of the Power of God with a divine 1.4 billion. Amongst the chicanery, emotional blackmail, brainwashing and general moral corruption, there is also the question of architectural crimes. Whilst the country is still dominated by the legacy of Catholicism, it’s estimated that nearly a third of the population are now members of evangelical churches. As their numbers grow so do their temples, that appear to draw their inspiration from an unlikely union between supermarket warehouse distribution centres and ancient Rome. The Universal Church of the Lord Jesus is a fine example of the genre. A pedimented box with seating for five thousand, underground carpark, gift shop and football stadium barriers, it is an unlikely place to be born again. Nevertheless, on busy days the walls reverberate with cash point ecstatic revelation. I have no desire to be disrespectful, but frankly, I find the whole spectacle deeply disturbing.




Carnival Time


Empires of Extraction